Teams combine movie memories with betting and bluffing skills to score points.
The team with the highest score at the end of 6 hands wins.
Included: 30 playing cards and 30 poker chips.
You will also need internet access for fact checking, a pen and paper for score keeping and a timer (if you choose to time responses).
This is a two team game. Make the teams fair.
Split up movie buffs, people with good long-term memories and people who spend too much time together.
Each team selects a Producer to be their leader.
Producers manage:
Place FREE REFILL Cards and CORN BURN Cards face up. Shuffle the rest of the cards and place the deck face down.
A hand begins by dealing 2 Category Cards to each team.
The type of hand you will play is determined by the color of the borders on the cards. If more black-bordered cards are dealt, you will play a Betting Hand. If more white-bordered cards are dealt, you will play a Head-to-Head Hand. If two of each color are dealt, both teams can come to a consensus on which type of hand to play.
The game ends after all 24 Category Cards have been played and the 6 hands are finished.