Feel free to customize game play by allowing any of these things we've just prohibited. These rules are the most user-friendly.
Bluffs can be checked using The Internet Movie Database at imdb.com
Teams can add on points after the other team CORN BURNS out.
Add-on players can use any remaining FREE REFILLS.
All add-on answers are automatically fact-checked (no bluffing).
Betting Hand Add-On: If a team gets 3 CORN BURNS before reaching their quota, the other team can add on one point for each correct answer until they get one CORN BURN or the 30 point maximum is reached.
Head-to-Head Hand Add-On: If a team gets 2 CORN BURNS and the other team has not received a CORN BURN yet, the team with the unused CORN BURN can add on one point for each correct answer until they get 1 CORN BURN or the 30 point maximum is reached.
Most people get anxious and freeze up with time limits. You can time answers two different ways.
Casual: Until one of your own teammates gets bored.
Hardcore: Use a timer to increase competition and pace. 20 seconds per answer is recommended.