FREE REFILL Cards are markers for when you are unable to give an exact answer but you can give an approximation. It's a freebie for all the people who really like movies but have a hard time remembering titles and actor names.
Example: "You know the movie with (give actor's name) where the guy... (give plot description)"
FREE REFILLS are accepted if a player from the opposing team is honest enough to come forward and admit they know which movie or actor the other player is trying to describe.
If no one from the other team comes forward, the FREE REFILL answer is accepted if it is a reasonable approximation of the movie title or meets any two of these criteria:
Once a FREE REFILL is accepted, it is turned over and can not be reused for the rest of the hand.
If your FREE REFILL attempt fails, your team gets a CORN BURN but the FREE REFILL stays face up for someone else to use during the hand.
All 3 FREE REFILLS are available for each hand.
If a team CORN BURNS out, the other team can use any remaining FREE REFILLS.